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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Summer Reading

This week I have been working on getting together something to give my students during the last week of school.  I also have been thinking about how hard we have all worked to ensure such amazing academic growth for all of them.  And I don't want them to regress this summer!  So I came up with an idea that will address both issues: SOAR!  SOAR = summer of achievement resource.   My little slogan I'll be promoting in my class these last few days is:

Stop the summer slide and soar!  

This weekend I made each of my students a summer reading bag that I'm hoping they take to the library on a regular basis over break.  Inside the bag I'm putting a SOAR folder that has a page explaining the summer slide and some resources for parents & students.  Here's what I have so far:

  • Summer Writing Journal (with choice menu)
  • Reading Incentive (The students that complete the reading choice menu get an ice cream treat from us in the fall)
  • Math Fact Practice Sheets
  • Our public library's summer reading program information
  • Our addresses for students to write us letters over the summer
  • Suggested Reading Lists (I'm hoping to preview some of the books/series on the lists this week to get students motivated)
  • Our district's tutor list
  • A laminated summer checklist for students to make sure they are reading, writing, and practicing math facts daily.

I'll post more pictures when the bags and folders are complete.  I'll have the SOAR cover page, summer slide information sheet, reading incentive page, and summer writing journal in my TPT store soon!  

Here is how I made the bags-very easy, just took a bit of time with the ironing, but totally worth it.
I ordered cotton totes/bags from Amazon Prime.  I think they were 12 bags for about $11.  I ordered iron on transfer paper for my printer.

I created what I wanted printed on the bags using Microsoft Word.  When I printed it on the transfer sheets, I just checked the "flip horizontally" option (click print and then choose layout).  

I placed the design side down and ironed it on.  I put the iron on the highest cotton setting and placed  a towel under the bag. I ironed for about a minute making sure the iron was moving constantly.  After doing this on my counter for a few bags, I had my husband grab a piece of wood to use instead because the counters were getting pretty hot.

I let the bag cool for a minute and then peeled the backing off.

And that's it!  Tomorrow, the students will paint their bags.  I'm keeping it super simple and using acrylic paint and q-tips.  

Here is my sample:)

I'll give them a day to dry and put their completed SOAR folders in the bags for them to take home!  I'm hoping this helps motivate them (and their families) to incorporate some reading into those carefree, relaxing summer days!

*UPDATE: Here are a few of the completed bags.  They LOVED doing this and were very motivated about summer reading!  I will definitely being doing these again next year!

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